Trick or Treat Trail 2022
Tammy Vickers, said it best. I have added her words below. We are so truly thankful for everyone involved in this years Trick or Treat Trail. Individuals, ARM Book Nook for your donation of books, NBCC students, Filipino Assoc, those who helped advertise, decorate. We are already coming up with ideas for next year. Special thank you to Tammy and Kenny once again for allowing us to use your place as the annual trail. It is a perfect spot. There were at least 300 people that went through the trail. It just keeps getting bigger every year. Thank you to the City of Miramichi - City Hall for your $500 donation of treats, all the individuals that donated treats and for your donations at the trail entrance. We have a total of $600.30 to give to the Miramichi SPCA, plus cat/dog food, and bleach.
From Tammy DogWhisper "I just wanted to thank all our volunteers that helped out in the trail and also to everyone that donated treats for the trail. Thanks to the many people that set up their own displays for the trail too. Thanks to the students from NBCC. And I will give a special thanks to my other half, Kenny, for making my coffin, (which apparently I may or may not be buried in the future, so l'm told. .. Lol) The turn out was amazing this year. I have only heard good things that people said once they went through the trail. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. I know I had a ball. Thanks again everyone for the amazing job. It was truly a team effort . Can't wait until next year for it to be even better. (The group picture was taken after some had left, sorry I didn't get everyone in it. We were so busy at the beginning I didn't get a chance to take one).

The 2nd Annual Trick or Treat Trail was a huge success. There are so many people to thank.
Thank you to the City of Miramichi and the Miramichi Filipino Association for their donation of treats. Also, thank you to all the individuals that dropped off treats at the office.
Thank you to ARM Book Nook for your donation of all the children's books. The kids love getting to choose one to take home with them.
To all of the volunteers, thank you so much for taking the time to dress up and hand out treats along the trail. We couldn't have done it without each and everyone of you.
To Tammy Vickers and Kenny, who graciously allows everyone to use their yard for the trail. Thank you Tammy, for all the organizing, decorating, and running around. Thank you to all of your friends for helping out as well.
Finally, thank you to everyone that donated and dressed up to enjoy the afternoon on the trail, trick or treating. We loved seeing all the costumes!
We already have ideas for next years event.

On October 31st, 2020 we held our 1st Trick or Treat Trail. It was a huge success!
Thank you to all of the places and people that donated. Atlantic Superstore in Chatham, Deals 4 U, Autism Resources Miramichi; with their awesome donations of books. All of the Volunteers for their donations of treats, and their time. Tammy Vickers, for all of your hard work making the trail so awesome, for the use of your yard and your spooky garage.
Thank you to those who donated money and bought 50/50 tickets. The winner drawn was Jason Cortes, with the other half going to the Miramichi SPCA.
And a very special thank you to all of the trick or treaters!! We enjoyed seeing all of you dressed up.
We can’t wait to do it again next year!!