Volunteer Miramichi’s 2023 Bursary Recipients
Congratulations and good luck with all of your future endeavours.
2021 Bursary Recipient, Tristan DesRoches
Graduate from Miramichi Valley High School
2021 Bursary Recipient, Alea Sweeney
Graduate from Miramichi Valley High School, Alea with Volunteer Miramichi’s Executive Director, Karen Howe
2021 Bursary Recipient, Amelia-Mae Walker
Graduate from North and South Esk Regional High
2021 Bursary Recipient, Claire Morrison
Graduate from Miramichi Valley High School
2021 Bursary Recipient, Julianna Augustine
Graduate from Miramichi Valley High School, Julianna with Volunteer Miramichi’s Executive Director, Karen Howe
2021 Bursary Recipient, Lauren Comeau
Graduate from James M Hill, Lauren, seen with Volunteer Miramichi’s Executive Director, Karen Howe
2021 Bursary Recipient, Megan Bent
Graduate from Miramichi Valley High School
2021 Bursary Recipient, Shafnan Ahmed
Graduate from Miramichi Valley High School
2021 Bursary Recipient, Kailyn Pitre
Graduate from Miramichi Valley High School
Volunteer Miramichi Inc. Bursary recipient
Katelyn Hogan 2020
2020 Bursary Recipient; Katelyn Hogan, with Volunteer Miramichi Executive Director; Karen Howe.
Volunteer Miramichi Inc. bursary recipient
jenna augustine 2020
2020 Bursary Recipient; Jenna Augustine, with Volunteer Miramichi Executive Director; Karen Howe.
volunteer miramichi inc. bursary recipient
samantha crowder 2020
2020 Bursary Recipient; Jenna Augustine, with Volunteer Miramichi Executive Director; Karen Howe.
volunteer miramichi inc. bursary recipient
molly hutchison 2020
2020 Bursary Recipient; Molly Hutchison
volunteer miramichi inc. bursary recipient
Isabel Sullivan 2020
2020 Bursary Recipient; Isabel Sullivan